Closed Bug 950564 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

Complex text input panel for plugin should be positioned at bottom-left of focused plugin


(Core :: Widget: Cocoa, enhancement)

Not set





(Reporter: masayuki, Assigned: masayuki)


(Keywords: inputmethod)


(5 files)

Similar to bug 950559, on Mac, composition string of IME is displayed on complex text input panel when plugin has focus. The panel should be positioned at bottom-left of the focused plugin because it's nearer than current fixed position (bottom-most of the screen, screen-width).
Severity: normal → enhancement
Similar to bug 950559, the panel is aligned to window if the plugin is clipped.

I want Kimura-san to agree the behavior. I'll request the code review to Steven after that.
Attachment #8347900 - Flags: review?(VYV03354)
Comment on attachment 8347900 [details] [diff] [review]
ComplexTextInputPanel should be positioned to bottom-left of the focused plugin

I can't really review a patch for Mac, but it would be OK as long as it is consistent with a windowless Flash movie on other platforms.
Attachment #8347900 - Flags: review?(VYV03354) → feedback+
Comment on attachment 8347900 [details] [diff] [review]
ComplexTextInputPanel should be positioned to bottom-left of the focused plugin

Thank you, Kimura-san.

Steven, could you review this? As I mentioned in this patch, I'm not familiar with Retina display and I don't have it. So, this patch hasn't been tested on Retina display. Therefore, I'm not sure if the min-width pref works well.

FYI: I confirmed that this patch doesn't cause bustage on 10.6.
Attachment #8347900 - Flags: review?(smichaud)
Masayuki, I can test your patch on OS X 10.7 through 10.9, using Retina and non-Retina displays.  I should be able to get to this in the next few days.
Comment on attachment 8347900 [details] [diff] [review]
ComplexTextInputPanel should be positioned to bottom-left of the focused plugin

Masayuki, this looks fine to me.

One small nit, though:  Please add a comment above adjustTo: that describes exactly what adjustments you're making -- for example something like "This places the text input panel fully onscreen and below the lower left corner of the focused plugin."

But I still haven't tested it, because I have nothing to test with.  My favorite example of a Flash movie that accepts text input has disappeared from the web ( from bug 357670 comment #25).  Please post an example of a plugin I can test with (one that accepts text input, and which causes us to display a text input panel when entering text in, say, Kotoeri Hiragana mode).
Attachment #8347900 - Flags: review?(smichaud) → review+
Thank you, Steven.

Kimura-san created a great testcase here:


I used this to test on OS X 10.7 through 10.9, with and without HiDPI mode.  I had no problems at all.
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla29
> +                           std::min(viewRect.size.width, minWidth),

Oops... This should be std::max()! I'll post follow up patch next week :-(
Comment on attachment 8350976 [details] [diff] [review]
part.2 Fix complex text input panel width as focused plugin width if it's not too narrow

I'm sorry, this fixes very stupid mistake.
Attachment #8350976 - Flags: review?(smichaud)
Attachment #8350976 - Attachment description: part.2 Fix complex text input panel width as focused plugin widget if it's not too narrow → part.2 Fix complex text input panel width as focused plugin width if it's not too narrow
Comment on attachment 8350976 [details] [diff] [review]
part.2 Fix complex text input panel width as focused plugin width if it's not too narrow


Sorry I didn't catch this.
Attachment #8350976 - Flags: review?(smichaud) → review+
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